it knew my Birthday was today! OMG
(| (| (|_(^m^)_|) |) |) RARW!
it knew my Birthday was today! OMG
(| (| (|_(^m^)_|) |) |) RARW!
woah, talk about coincidence, eh?
Hippy bathday! :)
A Masterpiece
Truly Cubaka has broken new grounds with this work of art. First, let me just comment on the score of this movie. It fit this genre PERFECTLY. The deep tones of love were expressed to the fullest exstent. My hat goes off to the composer.
Second, the animation was truly inspiring. The seemlessly flawless characters seem to come out of the screen into my study. Solid movement and sync was noticable. One scene alone must of taken MONTHS to plan and animate. Excellent job!
What truly shined however, was the plot. This is a story for the ages. The two characters love showed no bounds. The metaphor of love and anguish was very noticable!
Overall, I have to say this movie showed no limits. Cubaka's work never ceases to amaze me. Truly, a story of the ages.
But Always remember, Piconjo and Cubaka <3 j00 all
Chubakja <3 j00. Lol btw the Authors comments r a joke lol!
Moonlight Dragun!!!1!!!1 <33333
HighWasabi!!!! <3<3<3
Yes, I do understand that Bush is not that great. But please, just shut up about it. What do you hope to accomplish by bitching left and right about bush? I do not think your little flash will change america. And if you don't like it. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! Move to the Middle East. You would LOVE IT THERE, they all hate Bush just like you. This country has done nothing but good things for you. You have a computer, you have a house, you have a wonderful life! And this country has helped you achive that goal. So please, if you wish to bitch about the government some more, please, so somewhere else.
<3 MGS: SE <3 this flash
Thanks for voting HighWasabi! You gave this entry a 8, raising its score to 3.41!
-HighWasabi (Drag0nPen0r)
of course i know you highwasabi!! (dragonpen0r) =D thanx
Hopefully now the public can understand what is happening. Piconjo is in trouble, and he needs our help. Chubaka, your flash has touched the hearts of thousands. This one simple flash, could quite possibly save his life.
I hope so!
SO great
I havent even started to watch the movie and I voted five. I just know your're going to earn it either way!
Funny funny shit!
Pretty good
Great style! Love how it looks!
Is this moive supossed to be about the rupublican leadership we have in office right now, and the whole abortion issue? Or is it more un-political?
It's more like Republicans are taking over the world.
The guys head, the walking style, and the lip sync was stolen from "Shot Bus"
Make your own stuff PLEASE
"Sham on and say Fuck!"
Age 37, Male
Butt Doctor
San Clemente High School
San Clemente, CA
Joined on 5/10/04